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S10 - Synaptic foundations of network function

2023-2024 planning

Biology Master, ENS
Year : 1 (M1)
Semester : 1 (S1)

Course code :


Course name :

Synaptic foundations of network function

Coordinators :

Boris Barbour



Keywords :

synapse, neurone, synaptic integration, synaptic plasticity, network dynamics, learning algorithms

Prerequisites for the course :
Course objectives and description :

The human brain contains about 100 trillion
synapses which continuously transmit, spread and filter activity as information
is processed in the brain. Distributed synaptic modifications store most of the information acquired during learning and the formation of memories. This module provides an in-depth understanding of synaptic function, the neuronal integration of synaptic information and synaptic plasticity. Building on these foundations, the module then introduces network dynamics, the representation of information and network implementations of learning algorithms.

Assessment / evaluation :

Written exam (3h) after the end of the course.

Course material (hand-outs, online presentation available, …) :


Suggested readings in relationship with the module content (textbook chapters, reviews, articles) :