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Master 2 Imalis :
 General presentation
 Teaching and originality
 Learning by research

General presentation

Courses at ENS are organised at the heart of Paris : the Biology department and historical buildings of ENS are localized in the Quartier Latin. The place is wel-known for its squared garden decorated with busts of French thinkers, researchers and scientists who have marked history.

We propose a high-level education, both theoretical and practical in Biology. Our program centers on integrated and quantitative aspects, with a learning approach of research based on research, which is a backbone of our program.

Master students arriving at M2 level prepare the PSL Master in Life Sciences.

Teaching and originality

In the second year of the Master’s degree, students specialize by choosing one of four tracks :

The Master 2 year starts in early September and ends at the very end of June.
A total of 60 ECTS are required to validate the year (30 for each semester).

Learning by research

At the second semester, students go for a long internship in a research laboratory. This internship is validated by a written report and oral presentation.


Upon arrival at the Biology department, each student is matched with a tutor who will help him/her during the whole studies. Tutors are members of the faculty or researchers, and are involved in the courses choice, internship choice and guidance towards student objectives.

Master year 2 coordinator : Alice LEBRETON
Administration contact : secfib-M2

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